General terms and conditions of sale

General Terms of Sale

1. Purpose of the contract and scope of application
2. Conduct of the intermediation
3. Payment terms
4. Termination of the relationship
5. Liability
6. Copyright
7. Applicable law
8. Attribution of jurisdiction
9. Protection of personal data
10. Safeguard clause
11. Refund policy



1. Purpose of the contract and scope of application

1.1. ETS 3MKSTORE (hereinafter referred to as: 3MKSTORE) is an online intermediary between buyers (hereinafter referred to as: customers) and suppliers of digital and virtual products in the field of online games. Through its intermediary platform 3mkstore.com, 3MKSTORE connects buyers with suppliers of digital and virtual products. In return, the supplier pays 3MKSTORE a commission agreed on a case-by-case basis. The relationship between 3MKSTORE and the customer is free.


1.2. Suppliers market and sell products in digital, virtual and physical form for a fee. The products concerned are, in particular:

- online game products (e.g. gold coins, weapons, points, coins, etc.)
- Gaming card keys and codes (codes or keys to access certain online games)
- crossing services (e.g. Royal Pass)

The legal act of sale of digital and virtual products is concluded directly and without intermediary between the supplier and the customer.
3MKSTORE does not, at any time, own the digital goods.


1.3. The relationship between 3MKSTORE and the customer is exclusively subject to the following terms and conditions in their version valid at the time of registration.


1.4. These GTC do not apply to the relationship between the customer and the supplier. The relationship between the customer and the supplier is governed by the supplier's terms and conditions of sale.


1.5. In the event of inaccuracies in the translation of the GTC into a language other than German, the German GTC shall apply.

2. Conduct of the intermediation

2.1. For the use of 3MKSTORE, the creation of a customer account is not necessary. When registering for an account, the customer must provide a valid email address and a password and then add his name and address (which is not required for registration). Registration is free.


2.2. In addition, the customer can also use 3MKSTORE with the help of social network identifiers without registration. In this case, the customer's authentication and unique assignment by 3MKSTORE is carried out on the basis of the customer's data specified in the respective account on Facebook, Google, Discord, Instagram, etc.


2.3. When creating an account, the customer is asked to read and agree to the 3MKSTORE Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This is a prerequisite for registration with 3MKSTORE.


2.4. On its platform, 3MKSTORE makes available, in the form of offer texts and images with buttons, calls for suppliers to submit an offer by customers. By adding a product to the shopping cart and clicking on the "order confirmation" button at the end of the ordering process, the customer submits a legally binding offer for the product concerned. 3MKSTORE forwards the offer to the respective supplier, who can then accept it. If the supplier accepts the offer, he will deliver the product to the customer within the specified delivery period.


2.5. In case of acceptance by the supplier, 3MKSTORE connects the supplier with the customer.


2.6. The delivery method is defined by the supplier. The following delivery methods are possible:


- In-game mail
The supplier sends the product inside the game.
- Keys/cards
These are sent to the customer by the online delivery service of 3MKSTORE.

- Mule account
The supplier creates a new account, registers the product in it and then sends the customer the account ID and password.
- Contract
The customer receives an e-mail from the supplier in the game offering to accept a contract and, after acceptance, he receives the product.
- Home delivery
For physical products.
- In-store pickup
For physical products.
- Shipping
For physical products.

3. Payment

3.1. The customer pays the supplier the purchase price indicated by the supplier on the 3MKSTORE platform.


3.2. The payment is made directly to the supplier, through the platform and the account of 3MKSTORE.


3.3. Possible payment methods are immediate transfers, PayPal, secure payment cards, mobile payment ("Orange Money", "MTN Mobile Money", "Moov Money" etc.), credit cards, Skrill, giropay, Maestro, cash payment, bank transfers, Bitcoin etc. Providers are free to refuse certain payment methods or to accept or require other payment methods than those listed here.


4. Termination of the relationship


4.1. Both the client and 3MKSTORE are entitled to terminate the relationship between them at any time. This can be done through the deletion of the customer account. To this end, the customer must send to 3MKSTORE a message (by e-mail or through the "Contact" field of the platform) 3MKSTORE) to request the deletion of his account. 3MKSTORE shall respond to such request no later than the fifth day following receipt of the message.


4.2. 3MKSTORE may also terminate the relationship. In this case, 3MKSTORE may temporarily or permanently block or delete the client's account. After evaluating the interests involved, 3MKSTORE may decide to carry out the intermediations in progress to their end.


5. Liability


5.1. The customer is not entitled to any claims for damages, except for claims for damages for injury to life or health, for personal injury or for breach of substantial contractual obligations and except for liability for other damages resulting from an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty on the part of 3MKSTOREThe contractual obligations are those which are necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract. Substantial contractual obligations are those whose performance is necessary to achieve the purpose of the contract.


5.2. In case of breach of substantial contractual obligations and if the damage was caused by simple negligence, 3MKSTORE guarantees only the contractual and foreseeable damage, unless the customer's claims for damages are based on injury to life or health or on personal injury.


5.3. The restrictions of paragraphs 1 and 2 also apply to the legal representatives and agents of 3MKSTOREWhen rights can be asserted directly against them.


5.4. 3MKSTORE shall not be liable for any action taken by an online game provider against the Customer, including deactivation of the Customer's account or deletion of the Customer's digital or virtual assets by the online game provider.


5.5. 3MKSTORE can be held liable for incorrect price displays, non-performance or defective performance of certain products, as well as for all other breaches of contract or risks in connection with the sale of the goods.


5.6. The provisions of the Product Liability Act remain fully applicable.


5.7. The special warranty commitments remain in full force and effect.


6. Copyright


6.1. The contents available on the platform are protected by copyright or other industrial property rights and are the respective property of 3MKSTORE or of third parties who have made the relevant content available. The selection of contents as such is, if applicable, protected as a database within the meaning of §§ 4(2), 87a(1) of the International Copyright Act. The customer may only use these contents in accordance with these GTC.


6.2. The content available on the platform comes in part from 3MKSTORE and partly from third parties. With regard to third-party content, 3MKSTORE does not carry out any checks for completeness, accuracy or legality and therefore accepts no responsibility for the content of third parties.


6.3. The customer is not allowed to modify, represent, publish, display, copy or distribute in whole or in part the contents available on the platform that he has not configured himself. This content includes photos, logos, texts, messages, scripts and source code, which have been created or modified by 3MKSTORE. It is also forbidden to the customer to remove or modify the mentions of copyright, the mentions of reserve of right or marks of any nature.


6.4. Any use not expressly permitted in these GTCs requires the written permission of 3MKSTORE.


6.5. Paragraphs 1 to 4 apply exclusively to content independent of the purchase of digital and virtual products. In particular, they do not apply to the authorship of digital and virtual products itself.



7. Applicable law

These GTC are subject to the law of 3MKSTORE and third partiesThe application of the Convention on the International Sale of Goods is excluded. The mandatory provisions on consumer protection of the State in which the consumer has his habitual residence remain applicable.


8. Attribution of jurisdiction

If the customer is a merchant, a legal person under public law or an institution under public law, the competent courts for all disputes arising from the relationship between the customer and 3MKSTORE are those under the jurisdiction of the 3MKSTORE. In other cases, the competent jurisdiction applies to the parties.



9. Protection of personal data

9.1. 3MKSTORE collection of customer data in the course of intermediation and contract execution. In this regard, 3MKSTORE respects, in particular, the provisions of the federal law ( French ) Data Protection Act and the Telemedia Act. Without the customer's consent, 3MKSTORE collects, processes or uses the customer's personal data only to the extent necessary.


9.2. By registering on the 3MKSTOREthe user agrees to the terms of use and privacy protection of 3MKSTORE.


10. Safeguard clause

Should any provision of these GTC be or become ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions of the GTC shall not be affected. The ineffective clause shall be replaced by a clause that comes as close as possible to the will of the parties within the limits of what is permitted by law. The same shall apply in the event of a contractual loophole.

11. Refund policy


11.1. Refunds for physical products purchased on 3MKSTORE are possible in the following cases
- The product you received does not match its description on 3MKSTORE.COM
- It is damaged or defective.
- Delivery of a fully functional product is significantly delayed.
- You have decided to return the product (if defective) within 14 days of delivery. In this case, you do not need to provide a reason.
3MKSTORE is only obliged to reimburse you for the return shipping costs in the first two cases. In other cases, we are not obliged to do so.

If you experience any of the problems described above, contact support using the contact form on the 3MKSTORE contact page.

11.2. Correspondence with our website can solve some minor problems you may have with the product.

11.3. Refunds can only be requested within 14 days of receipt of the product. The 3MKSTORE team is obliged to help you solve any problem. In the event of a refund request made after 14 days from delivery, 3MKSTORE is no longer obligated to offer a refund.

11.4. The delivery of your product may sometimes be delayed through no fault of our own or the courier. If this happens, contact live support for updates and possible solutions. If delivery of a fully functional product has been significantly delayed, you are also entitled to a refund.
For more information, please read the terms and conditions with complete and binding information. If you have any further questions, our live support team will be happy to assist you.

Last modified on 10/09/2021